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About Grounding, Courting and Truthifying. Conspiratorial Fragments and Patterns of Social Construction of Reality in Rhetoric, Media and Images
The article considers the meaning of conspiracy as communicative phenomenon interpreting or (re)constructing social realities. Due to a bundle of various interacting societal and technological developments, conspiracy has educed far–reaching effects, gaining a momentum that can be hardly controlled, particularly on the internet. In order to carve out a model visualizing the mechanisms of reinterpretation and the strategies facilitating the implementation of conspiratorial thinking into the process of reality construction itself, the article analyzes one of a range of conspirative websites (Political Incorrect News), which claims to provide ‘true information’. On the one hand, in the framework of sociocultural constructivism, the article takes into consideration the socio–political conditions for the development of conspiratorial constructions and the possibilities of their diffusion in the media. On the other hand, from the semiotic point of view, the adoption of an enlarged model of semiosphere underlines the interpretative patterns of conspiracy and their connectivity to existing constructions of social reality so as to deliver insights concerning the pre–orientation of the semiosis in conspiratorial thinking.
pagine: 35-53
DOI: 10.4399/97888548993153
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2016
editore: Aracne