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The Velopoulos–Liakopoulos Phenomenon. A Semiotic View of the Explosion of Greek Conspiracy Theories and Urban Legends in the Economic Crisis
The essay examines the explosion of conspiracy theories and urban legends during the Greek crisis since 2008 as a development that has been prepared at least since the late 1980s, with the introduction of private TV-channel ownership rights, the reorganization of the populist Right in Greece, as well as with the combination of imported conspiracy theories, mostly from the UK and the US, with elements of Hellenic history, archaeology, mythology, and popular stereotypes. The essay focuses on the discourses created by two particular proponents of these theories and provides background information on the political and economic reasons behind their success and diffusion. The essay proves that, in Greece the theorists of conspiracies are well–known people and advocate their positions publicly and strongly. Hellenocentric stances based on Archeolatry are invoked as rhetorical means to resist the emerging insecurity.
pagine: 225-244
DOI: 10.4399/978885489931513
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2016
editore: Aracne