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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering
Quale ragione per l’architettura. What rationality for architecture
International Journal of Architecture and Engineering
Quale ragione per l’architettura. What rationality for architecture

The rationalism, is the one referring to modern architecture, or to "rational architecture Italian", is themost recent one, the seventies, claimed by the architects who are part in Italy in the "Tendenza", appearsfull of contradictions and misunderstandings, that it cannot be identified in specified attitudesand values. Perhaps the true common element for the rationalist architects, as well as indeed in thephilosophical rationalism, is the similar tension towards an ideal place of absolute transparency andclarity between men and things. A vision that in some way is found even in today's use of computerizedprocedures which, however, through the strict logic mathematized, and therefore rational, computer,aimed at adjusting the various building components, produce eccentric architecture, polisense,it is foreign to tradition rationalist, confirming the ambiguity appeals to our cogitative faculty. Themodern insistence to entrust to reason the destiny not only of architecture has on the other hand led tothe neglect of the body. And it is rather the body today's front that separates the uses of multiplecomputerized rationality between improved physical and mental performance of man and his possibleentanglement in the mesh of the most sophisticated and extensive controls which, in addition tocondition the mind, they tend to possession of the bios, of our biological life. For this, the claim newterritories of reason cannot be separated from the attention to the body, mind, probably better in architecturesthat expose a formal freedom than in those of a new, sterile, rationalism
pagine: | 17-22 |
DOI: | 10.4399/97888548991864 |
data pubblicazione: | Dicembre 2016 |
editore: | Aracne |