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Paremie e letteratura aurea
Paremiology has traditionally been overlooked by Hispanic literature critics, despite the fundamental presence of paremies in Spanish Golden Age literaryworks. Paremies even occur in Don Quixote, becoming an essential element in the literary construction of the novel, although their study has only been paid random and scant attention. In this research project, we aim to examine the way Cervantes uses paremies, be them at educated or popular level, in his masterpiece Don Quixote. This is a representative corpus, hence its analysis becomes essential in the field of paremies and literature. The study of paremies in Cervantes´ masterpiece is especially relevant both in quantitative and functional spheres. In particular, we look into the analysis of functions and mechanisms through which paremies are included in the text, thus developing discourse strategies. Our aim is therefore to use an analytical, not quantitative, approach in the study of Cervantes’ work.
pagine: 155-171
DOI: 10.4399/97888548873299
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2015
editore: Aracne