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Della traduzione del proverbio nell’opera di José Saramago. Analisidi Ensaio sobre a cegueira (Cecità)
Throughout this study, we propose a theoretical and practical discussion on the translation of some proverbial units contained in the work of José Saramago Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (Cecità). In his writing, the Nobel Prize in Literature laureate uses proverbial formulas in order not only to transpose but also to recreate popular expressions of the portuguese culture. In this way, the author reveals his propinquity either to his cultural roots either to his natural humoristic and ironical style. Within the framework of Paremiologic and Translation Studies, and in order to verify the equivalence between source and target texts, we are particularly interested in examining whether (and how) the proverbs in portuguese were (not) rendered in the italian translation. Throughout this article, and from concrete examples, we will thus seek to discuss the specifics of Paremiology translation as interlingual and intercultural confrontation.
pagine: 241-252
DOI: 10.4399/978885488732914
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2015
editore: Aracne