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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Urban regeneration feasibility using ahp technique. Case study of recreating the lands around the tomb of Hafez in Shiraz
The aim of urban regeneration is to revitalize the city in all aspects, so urban regeneration includes social, economic and ecological aspects in municipal, regional and national scales. Given the importance of urban regeneration, the purpose of this study is to explore the variables and the main factors affecting urban regeneration. In this paper, the concept of urban regeneration and its main factors were analyzed using descriptive - analytic study based on the library data. The concept of AHP technique was also presented and its application in urban issues was introduced. According to the case study these factors were analyzed and weighted using AHP technique. Finally this technique was proposed as a way to recreate the urban sites due to the fact that we are facing different criteria in the decision-making process and AHP technique is a decision-making model according to the multitude of criteria.
pagine: 3-14
DOI: 10.4399/97888548734141
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2014
editore: Aracne