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Verso il Trattato di Amsterdam. Il Ministero di Susanna Agnellie l’integrazione europea (1995-1996)
Without claiming to be exhaustive, this essay – paying particular attention to the Europeanist dimension – proposes to analyse the experience of Susanna Agnelli during her office as Minister of Foreign Affairs (1995-1996). Despite the domestic difficulties and the instability of the government, the commitment of the Minister for a more integrated Europe came to light from the very early stages of her mandate.In order to achieve the objectives defined for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union semester and to successfully start the Intergovernmental Conference of member States for the revision of the Maastricht Treaty, Susanna Agnelli set her foreign policy on a strong Europeanism: direction Amsterdam.
pagine: 175-190
DOI: 10.4399/97888255358849
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2020
editore: Aracne