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Eurafrica tra sogni e speranze: problemie prospettive di una fruttuosa collaborazione tra Europa e Africa
The present essay proposes to analyse the Eurafrican perspective, starting from an historical point of view. Since the end of the Second World War, the European States – especially France, Germany, and Italy –, destroyed by the war effort, took a stance on the need of a united Europe. As time progressed, the European Union has had, on one side, to face internal problems, and on the other to look further from its own borders: in particular, to Africa. But the “dream” of Eurafrica – beyond the simple cooperation – could become reality only with an intense, deep, and productive collaboration between peoples of the two continents.
pagine: 47-68
DOI: 10.4399/97888255358843
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2020
editore: Aracne