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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Los Apaches En La Frontera: Asentamientos Y Utopía. The Apaches In The Frontier: Settlements And Utopia
Apaches, named in many ways, have appeared in texts since the 16th century. They were in contact with the first expeditions to the northern borders of the Viceroyalty of New Spain as those of Cabeza de Vaca and Coronado. They were always considered to be different by the newcomers, in lands where nomadism and improvisation prevailed. The apachería was constantly shaking the towns, missions and mining fields on the borderlands. During the 18th century, as this isolated and hostile territory was populated, the Apaches attacked, plunderedand stole, not only horses to domesticate and sell them, but also children and women who were then raised by them to become chiefs of tribes. From the Bourbon reforms and the creation of the new territorial jurisdiction ofthe Provincias Internas, several regulations were published with the aim of achieving the definitive settlement of some of those tribes and stopping their incursions. These norms contained the bases of a plan whose purposewas to gather certain groups near some presidios, where they would be watched. The objective was also to induce those groups to adopt new customs, types of food, and behavior in order to achieve their pacification and control their raids. Various presidios and adjoining towns were chosen to become centers of control and serve as an example for the new families. The settlements and number of settlers, as well as the construction systems and permissions to continue visiting their magical sites, were also regulated. Independently of their success or failure, these communities were imagined as a new utopia.
pagine: 25-42
DOI: 10.4399/97888255341222
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2020
editore: Aracne