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Il progetto di una comunità europea tra radizione e traduzione. In dialogo con E. Husserl, K. Jaspers e P. Ricoeur
Nowadays Europe is becoming again a crossroads of cultures and migratory flows, manifesting a changeability that prevents it from defining its identity. Faced with this constitutive fragility, Husserl and Jaspers’s philosophy proposes to develop and enhance Europe’s original multifaceted cultural heritage, in order to design a plural community in a cosmopolitan horizon. Ricoeur’s paradigm of translation, that is ingrained to the Aristotelian phronesis, appears to be full of promises to deal with the challenges of a polyglot Europe: it constitutes a practical and operational proposal to build an ethical community, through linguistic hospitality and the exchange of memories, in a fruitful meeting of the different national contributions, in order to «tell otherwise» the past and open it to new future possibilities.
pagine: 123-147
DOI: 10.4399/97888255331706
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2019
editore: Aracne