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Patrimonio Turismo Gentrificación

Mercados de centros históricos latinoamericanos: entre tradición y reconversión al turismo
After decades of abandonment, in different Latin American cities have emerged severalpublic and/or private projects that intend to "save" selected market halls to incorporate them into tourism and cultural consumption. At the time of the deindustrialization and tertiarization of the urban economy, the increase and diversification of tourism, the proliferation of supermarkets chains and the commodification of culture, the market halls appear at a crossroads between discourses that speak about an end of their “natural” life cycle and their necessary reconversion to make them competitive. This chapter presents an overview of public projects and recent transformations in markets of several Latin American historical centers, in cities governed by governments of different political orientations. Some markets have been converted into cultural centers, others into shopping centers with food courts, several have been declared heritage (by the container or the contents), and some others have been touristed and gentrified. The research shows that the markets that are selectively rehabilitated are those that are located in “rescued” and revalued areas of the historic centers.
pagine: 47-76
DOI: 10.4399/97888255307593
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2020
editore: Aracne