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Patrimonio Turismo Gentrificación

Injusticias urbanas y comercio: la gentrificación de los Mercados de abasto en Londres
The traditional markets of many cities in the world have become the epicenter of disputes between social, political and economic actors with different interests and with different views on the future of the markets. This chapter analyzes the emergence of defense campaigns for three traditional markets in London, a city that has become a large financialized real estate market and highly lucrative for international investment funds, but unavailable to low- and middle-income residents. These markets, located in relatively disadvantaged neighborhoods with a strong presence of immigrants and low-income populations, have been the subject of redevelopment projects with the aim of directing their commercial, gastronomic and service offerings to consumers with greater purchasing power. The social campaigns to defend the markets transcend the commercial space itself, to involve community space, social inclusion, the reproduction of marginalized identities and urban commons.
pagine: 235-256
DOI: 10.4399/978882553075911
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2020
editore: Aracne