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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

The Palace of Sports Juan Escutia: The Palace of Thousand Suns
The Juan Escutia Sports Palace built within the Magdalena Mixiuhca Sports City to host the 1968 Olympic Games basketball tournament, held primarily in Mexico City, was conceived based on the design of Félix Candela Outeriño, Antonio Peyri and Enrique Castañeda Tamborrel, who conceived it as a more advanced development of his hyperbolic paraboloids, which would become the Palace of the Thousand Suns, geosymbol of this Olympic fair, and then be called the Cathedral of Mexican Basketball, the Cemetery of the Masks and even the Bounce Palace, which accounts for the various uses it has had throughout its history over 50 years, which refuses to disappear, and which continues to be written as one of the most important entertainment centers at the level worldwide, despite the process of underutilization and deterioration, which lived at some time.
Considering the above and delving into several aspects, it is explained what the genesis of this sports equipment was, as part of the 1968 Olympic Games, the architectural conception developed by Félix Candela Outeriño, and how this impact on the architectural project of the Dome of Copper, as also is known the Juan Escutia Sports Palace, which would primarily make its structure a unique constructive solution of all ages at the international level. Subsequently he realizes the underutilization process that he lived after the 1968 Olympic Games, where it began to be used even for events for which it had not been designed, until OCESA, to obtain the concession of this closed public space of controlled access, and that continues to date, constituting a stage where it has been adapted to where it has been possible to a variety of shows especially musicals, which together with other aspects to consider gives rise to reflect on the challenges for the conservation of this olympic heritage.
pagine: 69-80
DOI: 10.4399/97888255289236
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2020
editore: Aracne