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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Cura del corpo e cura del paesaggio. Dal Tapis roulant allo spazio aperto. Body Care and Landscape Care. From the Treadmill to the Open Space
Although Rebecca Solnit expressed widespread concerns in the 1990s about the use of the treadmill, considering him guilty of having canceled the sense of memory that instead delivered the experience of the walk, some years after these statements, and consequently a renewed attention to the body matured precisely through the use of these machines, in our cities an evident interest has been established for the practice of sports activities in open spaces. The aim of this paper is to verify how, starting from a new relationship between body and space prompted by the widespread desire of citizens to achieve new healthier life styles, interesting processes of urban regeneration are being launched that offer a new strategic vision of the city; that express an unprecedented freedom in the use of public spaces; that set new forms of urban landscape in motion.
pagine: 171-182
DOI: 10.4399/978882552892315
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2020
editore: Aracne