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Filosofia della cultura e culture del digitale

Traccia e simbolo tra memoria e oblio. Trace and symbol between memory and oblivion
The essay offers a critique of the validity of the computer model of memory (“storage and recovery”) when applied to mental mnemonic phenomena. The critique is articulated in the following moments: 1) fromthe neurological standpoint, based on the latest studies, it is clear that the brain does not function as a digital device; 2) the mnemonic trace is not a datum or an information, but a symbol, which serves as a cue for the re-narration of memories that occurs in the anamnesis; 3) the relationsh ip between hypnomesis andanamnesis is not linear and unidirectional, but circular; 4) in this relationship, oblivion plays in several ways an essential role. From this derives a conception of memory as a dynamic and creative activity: living memory as narration and continuous regeneration of memories.
pagine: 74-83
DOI: 10.4399/97888255253119
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2019
editore: Aracne