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Filosofia della cultura e culture del digitale

Può l’intelligenza artificiale agire metaforicamente? La risposta della biosemiotica. Can Artificial Intelligence act Metaphorically? The Answer of Biosemiotics
The problem of the boundaries of the artificial intelligence’s action receives particular attention from its very beginning. The aim of this article is to reflect on the possibility of artificial intelligence alone to reproduce the metaphorical action of the living systems. The metaphor is here examined from a biosemiotic point of view, where the process of code duality, it is argued, plays an essential role. In order to demonstrate the potential of the biosemiotics’ perspective on metaphor and artificial intelligence, the article provide the example of Meta5, a computer program created to process metaphors and metonymies.
pagine: 58-63
DOI: 10.4399/97888255253117
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2019
editore: Aracne