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Filosofia della cultura e culture del digitale

Semiotica dell’emotività: il “caso” emoji. Semiotics of Emotionality: The emoji “case”
The present paper is structured on two levels. From a more general perspective, it aims to analyse the relationship existing between the social way of feeling and the communication tools, and to understand whetherand to what extent they influence each other. More specifically, this is done on a semiotic ground through the analysis of the “emojis” and of their role in the contemporary communication system. Finally, this reasoning will raise some open questions on the possible implications deriving from this deep transformation that, in many respects, the digital era seems to have, if not brought, certainly accelerated
pagine: 112-121
DOI: 10.4399/978882552531113
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2019
editore: Aracne