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Rivista di scienze dell’informazione (Numero speciale)

Il linguaggio giuridico tedesco in Alto Adige. Evoluzione delle politiche terminologiche
In South Tyrol, the presence of three different linguistic groups is the result of a long and difficult journey, which led to their peaceful coexistence based on the equal status of the German and Italian language and on the recognition of equal rights to all citizens, regardless of their language. An intensive translation activity was needed to grant full equality to Italian and German. Starting from a first phase of translations entrusted to untrained staff and without any coordination, through the legislative formalization of a collegial body responsible for the standardization of legal terminology for the South Tyrolean public bodies, this paper will describe the different steps that have led to thecurrent project of terminology harmonization. The latter is aimed at ensuring a correct,clear and consistent legal terminology and thus contributing to legal certainty
pagine: 169-189
DOI: 10.4399/97888255216349
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2018
editore: Aracne