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Rivista di scienze dell’informazione (Numero speciale)

Le parole della cybersecurity. La terminologia della sicurezza informatica in lingua inglese, italiana e francese
Cybersecurity, the set of measures and strategies adopted against the illegal and criminal uses of the Internet, given the growing number of cyber–attacks, even for terrorist purposes, today represents one of the central issues on the European Union’s political agenda. Among the series of initiatives in Europe, the promotion of activities aimed at increasing public awareness of a culture of security among citizens is certainly one of the most important aspects for the prevention of the ever–increasing cyber–threats. Information and disclosure activities are in fact realized by the European Network and Information Security Agency (enisa) and by specific institutional organization in eu member countries such as Italy and France, also through the elaboration and publication of institutional glossaries of terms concerning cybersecurity in Italian and French. Based on the analysis of this interesting trilingual corpus, this paper aims to present the peculiarities of cybersecurity terminology in English, Italian and French.
pagine: 191-204
DOI: 10.4399/978882552163410
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2018
editore: Aracne