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Quadrimestrale dell’Istituto Internazionale di Studi Giuridici

For a more scientific conception of the interdependence between the material and the natural oral heritage
Material and immaterial culture is already subject to the attention of national and global institutions and this cultural institutionalizing aspect is achieved by building relevant laws system of particular states and international conventions that refers to the global sphere and returning to a legal obligation of the state’s parties to such agreement. The purpose why these cultural values are taken under protection of the international institutions such as UNESCO, and which are further reflected in the obligations of the local parties involved in the relevant conventions, is that it has been noted that cultural and natural heritage is increasingly threatened not only by destruction, but also by changing social and economic conditions, which exacerbate the situation even with more serious damages or destructions. Looking at this context and in order to avoid ever more expansion of destruction, it has become possible to define what is called cultural and natural heritage.
pagine: 84-92
DOI: 10.4399/97888255208117
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2019
editore: Aracne