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Quadrimestrale dell’Istituto Internazionale di Studi Giuridici

Tutela multilivello dei diritti e sistema delle fonti nei rapporti tra la cedu e l’ordinamento italiano. Verso un ritorno ai criteri formali-astratti a garanzia della superiorità d
The paper analyzes the relationship between the European Human Rights Convention and the Italian system of legal sources. In particular, the essay wants to highlight, after an analysis of constitutional jurisprudence, as starting from sentence no. 49/2015 a new trend has been inaugurated, pending confirmation by successive rulings, which aims to reconstruct the relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and the Italian legal system according to the classical formal criteria that inform the relationships between sources, in some ways reviewing the reading that the Court had given starting from the “twin” sentences n. 348 and n. 349 of 2007. The research work, in fact, intends to demonstrate how the protection of a right can never be separated from the form of the source that protects it. The result is a much less “international” interpretation of paragraph 1 of the art. 117 of the Constitution, where international law is integrated into the constitutional one, but it is not equivalent to it.
pagine: 147-173
DOI: 10.4399/978882552081111
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2019
editore: Aracne