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Teaching teachers. An experiment in intensive training for educators in a refugee community
The article outlines a four–week learning experience that combines instruction in English as a second language with teacher training. The project took place at Cisarua Refugee Learning Center (hereinafter CRLC) in the outskirts of Jakarta in the summer of 2017. CRLC is a refugee–led initiative that provides basic education to migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. The article surveys the challenges of refugee education with a specific focus on rapid and intensive forms of training for local teachers who do not have a previous background in second language acquisition and/or education. First, I sketch the social context surrounding the learning center; second, I outline the specific strategies we implemented; finally, I suggest some a posteriori reflections that can hopefully posit larger education questions that we can apply to moretraditional settings.

Keywords: teacher training, education for migrants, multilingual classes, refugees.
pagine: 187-202
DOI: 10.4399/97888255202629
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2019
editore: Aracne