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Educare alla cittadinanza attiva

Le competenze di cittadinanza digitale. Quadri di riferimento, lessico e risorse
Competences for digital citizenship. Reference frameworks, vocabulary and resources
Awareness of the role of digital competences and education in digital citizenship is a new web–based dimension of particular relevance to younger generations. These areas require knowledge and use of European–level resources, which may well be useful in the design of school–based educational programmes. This is particularly relevant when considering the potential risks when operating in digital environments and the need for more sophisticated skills, also at an interpersonal level. After illustrating the basic European–wide resources outlined above, the paper then proposes a simple glossary in the belief that the correct use of neologisms and specific lexis by all teachers can contribute to the widespread and correct use of digital resources in schools. Finally, the article proposes links to teaching activities available on the Web and based on the principles of task–based learning. These provide teachers with examples of good practice to include in educational programmes aimed at developing digital citizenship competences.

Keywords: digital citizenship, digital civics, digital skills.
pagine: 147-168
DOI: 10.4399/97888255202627
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2019
editore: Aracne