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Imparare a imparare attraverso la valutazione. L’uso di rubriche condivise tra docenti e studenti
Learn to learn through evaluation. The use of rubrics shared by teachers and
This paper is a continuation of the theme of “La valutazione delle competenze: una sfida possibile” (Zanchin, 2018) and deals with the role of the student in the evaluation process. The specific focus of the paper is on involving the pupil in the use of grids/checklists and the analysis of the effectiveness of this approach in the context of increasing students’ learning skills in the short and long term. On the basis of the data at our disposal, we reflect on the role that an evaluative approach which gives room to students and their points of view can play in promoting lifelong learning skills (Learning to learn).

Keywords: rubrics, checklist, self–regulation, self–assessment, learning to learn, learning community.
pagine: 75-100
DOI: 10.4399/97888255202624
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2019
editore: Aracne