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The Art Side. Un percorso efficace di Alternanza Scuola–Lavoro nel Liceo Scientifico
The Art Side. An effective course of alternation between school and work in the Italian h
This article illustrates the creation of a “virtuous” school–work alternation experience for students programme in an Italian secondary school. It analyses a specific context with the aim of highlighting the key competences that can be developed by this kind of programme for use in life and lifelong learning. It illustrates the project proposed by the “JLab–360° di” Cultural Association to create The Art Side art festival, organized outside the school and involving the local community. The paper will then examine the setting up and evaluation of the co–project experience between the school and the cultural association. It will conclude with an analysis of the effects and final observations which made it possible to modify how future school–work alternation projects were to be designed.

Keywords: school–work alternation programmes, key competences, co–designing.
pagine: 203-216
DOI: 10.4399/978882552026210
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2019
editore: Aracne