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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Tomorrow is yesterday’s future. Time as Matter
Permanence, the persistence in time vs temporality, the ephemeral, the provisional nature.Both concepts today should be rethought within a cultural, social and real dynamic that more andmore lives a complex dichotomy between thought and project "action". And between changing realityand outdated modalities, compared to contemporaneity, to manage ideas, processes, evaluations,decisions. And also between real and skillfully created economic crises, which level the value ofarchitecture downwards, while at the same time we see the increasing of costs related to processes,procedures, laws applications, certifications, which completely absolves those who should guaranteequality and permanence over time and that above all removes the innovation processes from thecreative path of the architectural project.It is not a problem of ideas.It is a problem of culture.Permanence needs culture, identity, awareness, dialogue, and soul.Human culture needs an architecture that works permanently existing over time.
pagine: 114-125
DOI: 10.4399/978882551860313
data pubblicazione: Ottobre 2018
editore: Aracne