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Quadrimestrale dell’Istituto Internazionale di Studi Giuridici

La quinta libertà UE: la circolazione delle decisioni (penali) nello spazio europeo (parte I – parte generale)
This Papers gives an important framework of the long way to reach the Fifth eu freedom, that is an Judicial cooperation in the movement of criminal judgments, in their mutual recognition, to consent free movement of convicted persons, their re-education in a ue State different to that gave the judgment. It analyses the problems existing in the real effective impact in the movement of judicial decisions in to eu territory, that is through the each Member States, after the decision 2008/909/gai. It shows us how it is important to give a farewell to the conventional system of the “giurisdizionalità” of the execution. It points the attention to the free movement of judgments, to the dialogue between judicial authorities, to the typing of the measures of impediment (identification of the competent authorities, the terms of recognition, the grounds for refusal, the intervention of political bodies, judgment in the absence/absentia).
pagine: 47-73
DOI: 10.4399/97888255173785
data pubblicazione: Agosto 2018
editore: Aracne