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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering
Bruno Zevi’s speaking architecture: it’s legacy in Australia
International Journal of Architecture and Engineering
Bruno Zevi’s speaking architecture: it’s legacy in Australia

In July 2002 the Australian architect Enrico Taglietti (Milan 1926) gave a lecture at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra entitled Elevations: Significant …Why and to Whom? as part of a series of talks promoted by the Royal Australian Institute of Architects for the exhibition Elevations: Significant 20th Century Architecture in Canberra. In this lecture Taglietti examined a number of international architectural projects and justify his own architectural design through the ‘seven invariants of modern architecture’ as identified by architecture historian Bruno Zevi to explain the modern language of architecture in his 1973 volume holding the same title The modern language of architecture. (Zevi, 1973). The burning questions asked in this paper are whether Bruno Zevi was already being read in the Australian architectural journals and discussed by architects in Australia when Enrico Taglietti was practising as an architect in Canberra since the late 1950s as a graduate from Milan Polytechnic and whether the dissemination of Zevi’s architecture critical theory is visible in the work of Taglietti. To answer these questions, this paper attempts to first investigate the critical reception of Bruno Zevi’s publications and ideas in Australia. Subsequently, a number of Taglietti’s projects will be analyzed through the lens of Zevi’s ‘seven invariants’ with the aim of determining whether Taglietti’s work, is an Australian example of ‘speaking the modern language of architecture’. Are Taglietti’s projects analysed through the Zevian lens and Taglietti’s civic commitment the legacy left by Zevi for the XXI century in Australia?
pagine: | 26-40 |
DOI: | 10.4399/97888255150534 |
data pubblicazione: | Maggio 2018 |
editore: | Aracne |