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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Bruno Zevi collane editoriali di architettura (1945-1980). Bruno Zevi architectural series (1945-1980)
The "cultural resistance" that had characterised the Italian climate until the end of the conflict, fueled by the intellectuals more or less involved with the anti-fascist struggle, is translated, at the end of the war, into a flourishing of publishing initiatives also in the architectural market. Three types of publications can be identified: periodical press, books and collection of books. Bruno Zevi has a prominent role in the publication sector. From the immediate post-war period to the end of his life, he was involved in several editorial projects: single books, magazines and book series. The paper addresses the book series design by Zevi: Collana storica di architettura (Einaudi), Architetti del movimento moderno (Balcone), Universale di architettura (Dedalo
pagine: 89-98
DOI: 10.4399/978882551505310
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2018
editore: Aracne