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Quadrimestrale dell’Istituto Internazionale di Studi Giuridici

Iura (non) novit curia? Polemica tra le corti e proposte dialogiche per farvi fronte (a margine del caso Taricco)
The article takes into account the case law deriving from the so-called “Taricco saga”. In particular, the article puts forward a critical reading of the decision delivered in December 2017 by the Court of Justice of the European Union in response to the preliminary ruling by the Italian constitutional court on the interpretation of art. 235 tfeu given by the European judge in the first Taricco decision. The Author assesses the possible consequences of the decision Taricco bis on the national legal system and, in particular on the position of the Italian constitutional judge following the interpretative “corrections” delivered by the Court of Justice. Finally, the analysis of the case provides the opportunity to think critically about the “dialogue” between Courts on politically sensitive subjects, such as criminal law. The last part of the paper, puts forward some potential reforms of the procedural trial of preliminary judicial ruling before the Court of Justice of the eu.
pagine: 9-52
DOI: 10.4399/97888255125191
data pubblicazione: Aprile 2018
editore: Aracne