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Aspettualità / Aspectuality

Fotografare, scolpire, filmare. Questioni aspettuali nella traduzione intersemiotica
This essay aims to show how the Greimassian meaning of aspectualitycould be a very useful concept in order to analyse some artistic works. Particularly, we will analyse some Brancusi’s works in which the translation between sculpture, photographs and films is the core of theartistic process. This study therefore focuses on the constraints of theexpression plane when the artwork is the outcome of the translationbetween different media. The point of view chosen by Brancusi whenhe takes a picture of one of his sculpture can be very important in orderto create a new sculpture. How does the so called “observer actant” cancontribute to produce a new image, from photography to sculpture orvice versa? When Brancusi films his sculptures the issues are different,and we have to investigate how the image’s movement is expressed.The general idea of this essay is that the translation process betweendifferent texts activates a narrative transformation in which the temporaland spatial aspectuality is relevant. Thus, we will try to show how theaspectuality can play an important role in order to analyse these complextexts.
pagine: 315-335
DOI: 10.4399/978882550876515
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2017
editore: Aracne