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This contribution concern the Universal declaration of human rights in the next anniversary of 70th years from December 10, 1948. The object is related to soft and hard law of human rights, from points of view of natural and rational law, opposed to obligatory and cogent law, at the cross road of two ways experimented (until now). The international human rights today start from the military power of United Nation peace enforcing operations in armed conflicts between States, and comes to the European convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms (Rome, November 4, 1950), until to charter of fundamental rights of European Union (Nice, December 7, 2000), also revised in Lisbon treaty of 2007. The European law human rights move between justiciability of rights and financiability of the same, reducing and constricting their concrete load at the level of a monitoring and persuasive law. In the crucial sector of human rights to migration across the borders of the States, the recent case law of United States of America (the so called Trump law on the travel band), shred this law and authorize it exclusively for the individual migrants exclusively for the personal situation with the American territorial sociality.
pagine: 22-30
DOI: 10.4399/97888255060373
data pubblicazione: Agosto 2017
editore: Aracne