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Forme e contesti della comunicazione educativa

Intersoggettività a scuola: proposta metodologica per l’analisi dei posizionamenti narrativi degli insegnanti
Intersubjectivity at school: a methodological proposal for the a
ABSTRACT: The quality of the climate inside a school is built and maintained through daily interaction between various social agents,so dedicating time to school–based relationships helps increase individual well–being. However, there is often a lack of practical tools capable of addressing relationship–based issues. In this paper, we present a method for assessing and understanding primary school teachers’ social relations and discuss the results of our field research. Fifteen teachers from a Comprehensive School in the province of Padova were involved in the research project. Each interview was structured by combining two methods: the well–known narrative interview and an analysis of repertoires related to personal positions. The procedure adopted proved to be an effective means of highlighting teachers’ perceptions of social structure2.

KEYWORDS: relationship, narrative, teachers, Dialogical Self, assessment
pagine: 33-50
DOI: 10.4399/97888548998653
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2017
editore: Aracne