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Intuition and Understanding between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics

Gioco e Unbekümmertheit. Una logica semantica di costituzione dell’oggetto “disinvolta”
The central issue of this essay is the notion of Unbekümmertheit. In modern German, this word describes a “light–heartedness”, an “ease”, or a somewhat “carefree–mind” and has been reinterpreted and re–used with a new significance in the linguistic and psychological theory of Clara and William Stern. Here, the notion denotes a child's ability to change the meaning and use of the same objects involved in his playtime–activities, which are then subjected to different and sometimes disparate predications. In the gestalt — psychological line from Kurt Lewin and Kurt Koffka to James Gibson — due to Stern’s Kindersprache, Martinus Langeveld´s Aufforderungscharakter and the phenomenological reconsideration of Unbekümmertheit by Aron Gurwitsch — it is possible to demonstrate a philosophical exploitation of the Unbekümmertheit —phenomenon with regard to the spheres of realism and relativism. In its final section, this paper will show a development of social ontology by pointing out how Unbekümmerheit plays a preponderant role in the plural games characterized by the link between affordances and social use and how it thus provides a new interpretation of human community which is supported by a specific constructivist thing–concept.
pagine: 201-223
DOI: 10.4399/978882550482812
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2017
editore: Aracne