Architecture Design Technology
La collana raccoglie studi e ricerche sui rapporti tra la cultura del progetto dell’habitat dall’architettura aldesign, con una specifica attenzione all’innovazione degli aspetti realizzativi e produttivi degli artefatti. Negli ultimi anni, infatti, i processi progettuali sono stati investiti da profonde trasformazioni che riguardano sia la sfera delle tecnologie materiali che immateriali: l’indagine intorno a questi temi costituisce la principale area tematica della collana.
The book series collects studies and researches results around the relationship between culture of design for habitat from architecture to product design, with a specific focus on the innovative processes of production and realization of artifacts. In recent years, design processes have been invested by profound transformations that affect both the sphere of material and immaterial technologies: the investigation around these issues is the main thematic area of the book series.
The book series collects studies and researches results around the relationship between culture of design for habitat from architecture to product design, with a specific focus on the innovative processes of production and realization of artifacts. In recent years, design processes have been invested by profound transformations that affect both the sphere of material and immaterial technologies: the investigation around these issues is the main thematic area of the book series.