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Lerici, 27/10/1964
Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas - ISCSP
Cecilia Veracini Aracne editrice

Cecilia Veracini graduated in Biological Science at Pisa University (IT), and holds a M.Sc in Anthropology in primate vocal communication (University of Florence, IT/University of Barcelona, SP) and a Ph.D. in Anthropological Sciences (University of Florence) with field work on the eco–ethology of two Amazonian primate species. She also conducted research on primate conservation in Brazil. She served some years as Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Florence and Pisa. In 2011 she was awarded a Doctorate in History of Science (University of Pisa), working on the role and trade of New World Primates in Early Modern Europe. Her actual research interests include history of primatology, ethnoprimatology, environmental history and primate conservation. She is an integrated researcher at the CAPP/ ISCSP, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
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