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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Il razionalismo italiano e oltre. The Italian rationalism and beyond
The unusual story of Italian rationalism poses some questions if related to the orthodox formulationsof European, and particularly German, rationalism. Those questions are about the uniqueness of thatheroic experience, its developments, receptions and reformulations occurred in Italy since the twentyfifties,sixties and seventies up to the recent current reconfigurations in the name of rational architectureor of the "architecture of reason" with a further reference to the Enlightenment season.The Italian contribution to the modern architecture project style was interpreted by many as a specificway able to combine originally the renewal requests contained in the modern experience with the lessonsof history, the finitude of the shapes, the strict relationship with the city.The works by Terragni, Libera, Figini and Pollini, BBPR and then Gardella testify of this particularItalian variation of the northern rationalist etymons and the disciplinary re-foundation of the seventies,carried out by the exhibition "rational architecture" edited by Aldo Rossi for XV Triennale of Milan,confirms this continuous "renegotiation" (Purini) in the light of the ancestral legacy of the traditionof our country.The “tendenza” seems to aim, with very different but comparable ways and results, to a combinationof a classical aspiration, an unavoidable relationship with reality, formal concision, volumetric perfection,adopting the analogy’s technique with simplification of the syntactic constructs.To what extent is it possible to reconnect the recent theoretical and practical experiences on the expressivenessof the forms, the role of the construction in architectural representation, the relationshipwith the city and its morphology with the first twentieth-century debut even there always hoveringbetween avant-garde motions and connections with the heritage of tradition up to historicism (ofthose years and also of today) and the theoretical vocation?What binds the current reflection on rational architecture, developed in Italy prior by Rogers, Quaroniand Samonà and then by Rossi, Grassi and Monestiroli, shared, once again, with the contemporaryGerman architectural culture (Ungers, Kleihues) as well as by Gregotti and Purini with prospects atthat time opened by Pagano, Persico, Giolli, Bardi?The idea is not to produce a precarious attempt of actualization but to investigate differences, analogies,contradictions and progressive instances contained in that story.The EdA issue tries to answer to these questions opening to new possible questionings from differentdisciplinary points of view, including theoretical reflections, projects, research experiences.
pagine: 13-16
DOI: 10.4399/97888548991863
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2016
editore: Aracne