edA - Esempi di Architettura
EdA Esempi di Architettura is a scientific project born in 2004 with the aim of promoting knowledge and disseminating the results of research activities carried out in the academic field. In tune with the mission of UNESCO “Towards Knowledge Societies” the main objective is the adoption of neutrality in the choice and evaluation of these researches and the scientific rigor in their drafting and proposes to investigate critically and creatively the knowledge.
The choice of the publication involves first the director of the editorial project, the board members and therefore scientific Committee both national and international according to their respective scientific skills and the external auditors chose at both national and international academies. EdA Esempi di Architettura is a multidisciplinary and multilingual project so you can also present publications in other languages in addition to Italian and English. In collaboration with the international committee, it undertakes to enforce the rules of ethical behavior at all stages of the publishing process. EdA Esempi di Architettura through its internal organs promotes and monitors Peer review operations as a method of selecting articles, providing a mandatory form for reporting. EdA promotes the independence of research activities, condemns copyright infringement and plagiarism, requires and publishes only original contributions, and written in compliance with the editorial guideline. These guidelines apply to both printed and Open Access publications.
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