A Geographical Approach to the European Financial Crisis
Challenges and Policy Agenda

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11,4 €
Area 11 – Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
The financial crisis has further awoken interest in the field of economic geography and the researchers have especially taken charge in emphasizing the geographical features, namely the interaction of the local scale with the global scenario. The purpose is therefore to underline the dissimilar features that the same phenomenon could acquire in different territorial context. Indeed the crisis spread beyond financial and economic realm with differential aspects and with dissimilar impacts across the world and each country has reacted in a different way, according to the caracheristics of their own economic and political system. In this sense the European Union is a representative case of study due to the fact that the financial crisis has revealed the limits caused by the absence of an appropriate Community economic policy, turning into a sovereign debt crisis in many countries of the Eurozone. This has seriously worsened existing difficulties arising from a not yet well-defined governance framework and from social and economic inequalities, but has also given particular emphasis to the need of the completion of the processes of European integration. The authors of the book draw attention to the economic, social and territorial impacts of the crisis, with a primary focus on the Italian issues and to the trends and prospects of the EU policy agenda.
pagine: 300
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-7757-3
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Geografia economico-politica | 14
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