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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Urban interactions lab in Belén crafting participatory civic agency
This article describes the outcome of an ongoing practice-led research that points at facilitatingexperimental design and artistic practices in public space, which can foster creative transformations ofunderserved communities, victims of discrimination or groups who have been neglected by the state.The case study for the initial stage of the research has been a marginal neighborhood in the city ofBogota, Colombia. An interdisciplinary team of designers, artists, engineers and human sciences’practitioners has developed a series of participatory strategies to empower the community by aidingcommunication processes and promoting activities for visualizing the problems in the area, thusraising conscientization and supporting posterior experimentations.The research methodology put together instruments and references from a diverse set of theories anddisciplines, which included, among some others: participatory design, relational aesthetics, crowddata collection and visualization, social cartographies, experience design and urban interventions.The result is an assortment of urban-data visualizations and interventions in public space, whereseveral skill sets, mixed media and technological appropriations were devised, responding to theinitial research questions: How can art and design reframe human experience? And, how can art anddesign, through humanistic interpretation, add to the offset of prejudice, violence, discrimination,racism and so forth?
pagine: 48-57
DOI: 10.4399/97888548991626
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2016
editore: Aracne