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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Bioclimatic housing with sustainble technology for the city of Oaxaca, Mexico
The purpouse of this study was to design a progressive housing with bioclimatic and sustainableconstruction technology. Bioclimatic housing design was performed by the climatic characterizationof the site (City of Oaxaca, Mexico). Monthly mean temperatures data to the climatic study site wereused. This data were obtained by the National Weather Mexico Service for a period of 30 years (1980to 2010). From the analysis of climatic variables based on the adaptive comfort and ventilation andusing the consultant Climate 5.4 software, design guidelines were obtained. The technology selectedcorresponds to a modular construction system (MA+T) for walls and roofs. This system consists ofprefabricated chanel section shape components with reinforced mortar and soil. The psychometricchart recommends the use of materials that have thermal inertia as soil which is proposed as one ofthe main materials in the building system. Using insulating materials such as soil in buildings peoplewill have more hours in comfort into their houses. On the other hand, reinforced mortar will givestructural strength of the house. Results indicate that because of climate conditions of Oaxaca city,heating and cooling strategies are required. For warming strategies, direct gains and energy storagein thermal massive walls are proposed. Cooling requirements such as solar control strategies andNorth-South housing orientation were obtained. For natural ventilation in the house, three patios, oneinside and two corresponding to north and south facades were designed. This strategy will allowcross ventilation inside the house that will be beneficial in hours with high temperatures.
pagine: 83-94
DOI: 10.4399/978885489916210
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2016
editore: Aracne