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Ladri di musica. Filosofia, musica e plagio

La pirateria, l’opera musicale e la concezione monosessuale della creatività. È tempo di sbarazzarsi di una metafora obsoleta e di affermare la mothership connection?
The essay highlights the interrelation of the notions of piracy, musical work and genius composer. It is shown how the metaphor of the pirate requires a treasured object to steal. This object is the immaterial musical work, composed by a musical genius. Although this genius is a myth of romanticism, it is also shown how it is founded on an ancient notion of «monosexuality». This notion, it is argued, has negative consequences for composers, musicians and listeners alike. Together, the metaphors of the pirate, the genius and the work constitute a figure of thought that fulfills a legitimizing function for a malfunctioning present day copyright. It is therefore suggested that the pirate metaphor be jettisoned along with that of the romantic genius and the immaterial musical work. In its stead the mothership connection may be a more constructive metaphor.

KEYWORDS: Musical Work, Copyright, Genius, Ontology of Music, Reification of Form.
pagine: 35-45
DOI: 10.4434/ESR.20396635.052014.3
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2014
editore: Aracne