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Mercados de Quito: otras memorias de la ciudad
From an approach to the markets of the city of Quito and the people who have been linked for several generations to these spaces, such as the workplace and space of daily life, I have been interested in investigating “other memories” present in the city of Quito that has been historically invisible. This work tries to recover the social memory in relation to traditional markets and to understand the ways in which they have been reconfiguring and generating ways of relating to the city and its government policies. This approach has allowed us to investigate the practices and meanings that people grant and show in these spaces with different forms of representation, including popular religiosity, which plays a significant role as a cohesive element in everyday life in the markets. This approach starts from seeing the markets as spaces of senses, signifiers, and meanings, which are lived from the specificities of the populations that inhabit it.
pagine: 189-206
DOI: 10.4399/97888255307599
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2020
editore: Aracne