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Patrimonio Turismo Gentrificación

El sistema de mercados de San Miguel de Tucumán. Orígenes, evolución y situación actual
In San Miguel de Tucumán the survival of the markets presents serious difficulties. In the thirties, two important market halls were built in the central area along with other buildings on a neighborhood scale, forming a system. The incorporation of new materials allowed those spaces to achieve the flexibility and functionality that characterize industrial constructions. However, the changes in consumption habits and the difficulties faced by the state in managing these spaces define the current problem. The market halls had a progressive deterioration. In the most fortunate interventions, work was done to incorporate new uses. In other cases, laziness led to abandonment or partial demolitions and, in the most critical situations, to definitive disappearance. This article proposes to analyze the characteristics, architectural evolution and the current situation of the two most relevant markets: Mercado de Abasto (1933) and Mercado del Norte (1939).
pagine: 95-114
DOI: 10.4399/97888255307595
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2020
editore: Aracne