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Tan visibles como ausentes. la representación en el cine del comercio popular en la Ciudad de México
Public markets are prominent protagonists in the history of cities, from their origins to the present day, despite the emergence and proliferation of new retail formats. Despite its historical, economic, social and symbolic importance in urban life, it is striking that supply markets in Mexico City have little presence within national cinematography, unlike other types of buildings and collective facilities. This chapter reviews the evolution of public markets, hand in hand with the everlasting presence of commerce on public spaces and tries to explain the reasons for the low representation of public markets in film production located in Mexico City. Particularly three central neighborhoods are analyzed, which to date have four public markets each: Lagunilla, Tepito and, La Merced.
pagine: 369-388
DOI: 10.4399/978882553075916
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2020
editore: Aracne